Father Jorge Rodríguez de LaViuda
Was born in Lima, Peru, April 11, 1963. He is the second of four brothers. His parents: Jorge O. Rodriguez de la Viuda (died in 2007) and Mela Chang, currently 93 years old. Studied at the Claretiano School of Lima and graduated from the University of San Martin with a degree in Hospitality Management, a profession in which he served in Lima and in 1989 in Florida, USA, until he entered the Saint John Vianney in 1993.

Deacon Armando Martinez
Deacon Armando Martínez was born in Puerto Rico and ordained as Deacon in 1996 by Bishop Arthur O’Neal in the Dioceses of Rockford, IL. The Lord called him to serve as a Deacon in St. Joseph Church in Elgin, IL., serving the Church in a variety of ways, depending on its needs. His functions were: Baptismal formation for parents and godparents. RCIA for adults from 18 years of age. Couple’s marriage counseling. Funeral Services at church and at the cemetery. Serving in Mass and assisting the Pastor on the homilies during mass. Ministries formations for parishioners. In 2017 he moved to Sunrise, FL, and now serves as Deacon in St. Bernard Catholic Church.