Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion

If you are interested in becoming an English Lector or Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion, please contact Judy Sousa via email:

If you are interested in becoming a Spanish Lector or Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion, please contact Carmela Albán via email:

What it is to be an EMHC or lector: Persons who are serving as lectors and Eucharistic ministers of Holy Communion at our English Weekend Masses as well as take the Body, blood, soul, and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the sick and the homebound.

Anyone who has an interest in becoming lectors and Eucharistic ministers of Holy Communion can contact Judy or Carmela for upcoming trainings and information.

It is a privilege it is to proclaim the Good News at weekend Masses, and give the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ to the community.