Women’s Meeting Date and Times: Women’s Emmaus meet on the 4th Sunday of every month at the Parish Hall.
Leader: Marie Gervasi – gracegervaso@gmail.com 965-732-2518
Correspondence secretary: Margaret Chuckaree, mpchuck50@gmail.com, 954-605-8109
Leader: Joseph De Santos – josephdesanto123@gmail.com 954-732-4479
What is Emmaus (also read letter below)
They say that life is a journey which ends when one reaches their destination when their life ends. Emmaus teaches us that our destination is the journey.
Each step that we take brings us closer to the realization that we have a purpose, to go forth with honesty, conviction, love, and the desire to change our little corner of our world. to bloom where we are planted with the talents that Our Father has freely given us,
Why Emmaus? because we go forth with an army of sisters that will never be defeated.
I pray that every woman in our parish will become an Emmaus Sister. Our parish will bloom, grow, and flourish giving our time, talents, and treasures freely with passion and love.
Dear Men of St Bernard,
Everyone needs to take time away from the “Hustle and Bustle” of today’s world, and that is the reason for this letter.
To the men of St Bernard, we are offering the perfect opportunity to not only take time from the business of day-to-day life but gifting yourself with time to reflect on your spiritual life as well. By attending the upcoming Emmaus Retreat, you will experience God, and truly deepen your relationship with the Lord.
The Emmaus Retreat is an experience where men are ministered to by other men. It is based on the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. In this Scripture passage, two disciples meet the Lord on their way to the village of Emmaus after his resurrection and recognize Him in the breaking of the bread.
I encourage men of the parish, age 19 to 90, to prayerfully consider setting aside the weekend of February 24th-26th 2017 for this retreat, which will be held at the Casa San Carlo Retreat House, with overnight accommodations at a local hotel. You will make new friendships and you will return to your homes and workplaces refreshed and renewed. The Emmaus Team is spending many hours in preparation for a successful journey for you but it can only be truly successful with your participation.
After Sunday mass look for the Emmaus Men. They are the guys with the white shirts. Or speak with Margaret Chuckaree with the church choir. Please don’t let the $150.00 fee stand in your way. Call me or Bobby Curan about any questions you may have. Don’t let this opportunity to travel the “road to Emmaus” pass you by.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Joe De Santo / Weekend Facilitator / 954-732-4479
Bobbie Curan / Emmaus Coordinator / 954-661-7112